Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Children and the money lesson

This morning I had a heart breaking conversation with my daughter about money and what we can afford and what we can't afford. The conversation was not so unusual, Parent have that conversation all the time.

But what was heart breaking was the lessons being taught by me - that my parents taught me. And the lessons being learned by my daughter.

Problem: My daughter loves dancing and she is good at it - she does win awards. But this year she wants to add tap to her repertoire of Classical ballet, contemporary, musical theatre and jazz. Finding that little extra (over $200) just stretches the budget too far. So what am I teaching my daughter:

  • You can't afford what you love to do;
  • You are not worthy for this extra money; or
  • You need to do without something to afford what you want;
  • You need to work hard and be poor for what you love.

I would love to teach her that she can have everything she wants. I would love to teach her that anything is possible. ... but. How come there is always a but in there somewhere.

I am reviewing and planning to rewrite the lessons my parents taught me. After all they do not suit me anymore.

The world is changing and I am changing so I would like some new rules for the new world. Want to join me?

So tonight or tomorrow I will have another conversation with my daughter and try to review the problem. Maybe even ask her for a solution. Ask her how we can manifest the extra money we need so she can continue her dream and hopefully we can rewire the learning from generations past so the generations of the future have a better time working at what they love.

Now that would be a better world to live in


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