Friday, January 25, 2008

Decluttering notebooks of life

I have been sorting through my old notebooks. It is a very interesting process.

As a reformed hoarder I often have a mass culling of stuff and deciding what I need and what I don't need anymore. For me the reasons why I cull stuff is mostly because I don't need it need it anymore or it is no longer important. By getting rid of the old ideas I can make way for the new.

Sometimes I don't need the information anymore, because I have grown and hence is no longer relevant.

As I am going through the notebook crossing out bits and pieces, I stubble on some cherished notes or a poem that I wrote and I need to keep it so I am transferring into another notebook. Occasionally I will find some notes that I want to keep either because I still want learn the information.

It is very time consuming but very rewarding. On the physical level I am throwing out papers and reducing my notebooks. On the mental level I am shedding thoughts and ideas that no longer suit. On the spiritual level I am lighting my connection to the past and trusting that have the information I need.

Many of the notes I am getting rid of remind me that I have grown and I am happy with where I am now. I am becoming the person I want to be.

I am not hanging onto the past as proof of who I am - the past is not me. It is mealy the training ground.

Sometimes I worry that I might throw out something that I might need. But I have to trust that if need to be reminded of that lesson, an opportunity will present itself to learn it.

I am astounded of the variety of sources that I learn my information. I collect information from everywhere.

I know that I am a work in progress and I am pleased to be reminded of the growth I have done. Proof that I will keep growing into the person I want to be.

So have you got old notebooks or diaries that you are keeping. Have you re-read them? Are they still relevant to you? Maybe you no longer need them because you have grown. Be proud of yourself if you have grown. Congratulations. Declutter your life and you connection the past - to free up your future.


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