Thursday, January 31, 2008

Life lesson in ending stuff

I had an interesting perspective this morning.

I have been doing a particularly difficult 1000 piece puzzle and it has taken me several days to do. I have done all the cathedral and now, all I had to do was finish the sky. The sky was blue and slight change in shade from light blue to dark blue. What made it extra difficult was that the puzzle pieces could easier fit in several places. This took hours of individually placing each piece in place and stepping back and looking at the overall pattern to see it fits.

This morning I packed away a puzzle.
  • Yes, I had the skills to finish the puzzle
  • Yes, I had the patience to finish the puzzle


  • I could use my time doing other things
  • I could use skills doing other things
  • I could use my patience doing other things.

So I decided by weighting up the pros and cons that I should give up on the puzzle and pack to away (or throw it away?) and move on to something else.

My life lesson: sometimes it is better to stop doing something and just move on.

I always prided myself that I finished stuff.... mmm that's sounds like another belief worth tacking.

Oh let's rephrase it - I believe I should finish stuff. Why? Why should I finish stuff?

I had figured out this morning that sometimes the "pushing yourself to finish a task" is not worth all the other consequences that go with it.

I don't mind spending a day or two on a puzzle as a bit of time out. And, now my children are older, I can teaching them how to do difficult puzzles. It becomes a family activity. I am teaching them skills of looking for shapes and recognising patterns. Which will help them looking for things in their rooms. I can always hope.

I can always find the motivation to finish things if necessary. But what about the activities that I still haven't finished, or even better, the activities that are never finish e.g. housework.

Key word here is motivation. Somehow I need to find the motivation to finish the other activities or the motivation why I am still doing stuff.

Lets analyze the first problem: Motivation to finish.

  1. What is the activity?
  2. Why did I start the activity?
  3. Why have I not finished the activity?
  4. Has something better come along to distract me?
  5. What would it mean to me to finish the activity?
  6. Do I need to finish this activity?
  7. Can I just leave the activity in the state is in?
  8. How can I reward myself to finish it?

Second problem: Why are you still doing the activity? This flows on from the questions above but with a twist.

  1. Why don't I want to finish the activity?
  2. Do I enjoy this activity so much that I want to keep going?
  3. Does this activity pain me and yet I continue?
  4. By doing this activity - what is it stopping me doing?

For example: I did enjoy doing the puzzle it was difficult but OK fun. Then it got difficult and boring. But I continued. So...

  • What is the activity? the 1000 piece puzzle
  • Why did I start the activity? A time out activity with the children to do while watching TV
  • Why have I not finished the activity? It is getting to difficult
  • Has something better come along to distract me? No not really
  • What would it mean to me to finish the activity? I could see the picture complete before putting it away again
  • Do I need to finish this activity? No
  • Can I just leave the activity in the state is in? No I need to pack it away. I need the room.
  • How can I reward myself to finish it? No reward would be strong enough.
  • Why don't I want to finish the activity? I bored with it
  • Do I enjoy this activity so much that I want to keep going? No
  • Does this activity pain me and yet I continue? yes
  • By doing this activity - what is it stopping me doing? getting on with the mending and reading list.

By analysing the whole list of pros and cons (I have not listed them all here), it showed me that I am not a failure. Although this is the first puzzle I have given up on. I am not a failure because I made a decision that it is better to end it now and move on instead of wasting time and energy in complete a task I am not enjoying.

How many activities are there that you have that you think you should finish but can't find the motivation to finish them. Do you think you should just stop and walk away?


Friday, January 25, 2008

Decluttering notebooks of life

I have been sorting through my old notebooks. It is a very interesting process.

As a reformed hoarder I often have a mass culling of stuff and deciding what I need and what I don't need anymore. For me the reasons why I cull stuff is mostly because I don't need it need it anymore or it is no longer important. By getting rid of the old ideas I can make way for the new.

Sometimes I don't need the information anymore, because I have grown and hence is no longer relevant.

As I am going through the notebook crossing out bits and pieces, I stubble on some cherished notes or a poem that I wrote and I need to keep it so I am transferring into another notebook. Occasionally I will find some notes that I want to keep either because I still want learn the information.

It is very time consuming but very rewarding. On the physical level I am throwing out papers and reducing my notebooks. On the mental level I am shedding thoughts and ideas that no longer suit. On the spiritual level I am lighting my connection to the past and trusting that have the information I need.

Many of the notes I am getting rid of remind me that I have grown and I am happy with where I am now. I am becoming the person I want to be.

I am not hanging onto the past as proof of who I am - the past is not me. It is mealy the training ground.

Sometimes I worry that I might throw out something that I might need. But I have to trust that if need to be reminded of that lesson, an opportunity will present itself to learn it.

I am astounded of the variety of sources that I learn my information. I collect information from everywhere.

I know that I am a work in progress and I am pleased to be reminded of the growth I have done. Proof that I will keep growing into the person I want to be.

So have you got old notebooks or diaries that you are keeping. Have you re-read them? Are they still relevant to you? Maybe you no longer need them because you have grown. Be proud of yourself if you have grown. Congratulations. Declutter your life and you connection the past - to free up your future.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

what is spritual "growing up"

As a family we when to a spiritual festival on the weekend and it had various practitioners and healers doing their bits. People sitting in circles and mediating listen to lectures about feminine and masculine energies and heart healing.

But most interested me was my Husband's reaction. He wanted all these "lightworkers" to "grow up".

It has taken me a few days to figure out what he meant. After all most of these people were definitely older that us - so growing up did not mean growing old. Most of these people have had a wider range of life experiences so they should be wiser than us.

I admit, initially I was cranky with him for his negative opinion of "lightworkers". To me, Lightworkers are people who work with light and as all of us work with light we are all Lightworkers. If you don't think you work with light then go turn on a light switch. Presto - worker of light .
Or remember the last time you made someone happy. Pesto - lightworker.

So what annoyed me was the "grow up" bit. After all, I am grown up and I think I am wise, although I do still need things to learn.

Maybe he reacted to all the rituals and the lingo: EFT, Mother Earth, Labyrinth, chakars, drumming, balancing, angles, fairies, crystals, circles, harmony. It is very confusing and initially you may be scared that you will do the wrong thing and send the wrong energy to the wrong person etc etc.

But ultimately you are always in the right place at the right time - even thought at time it doesn't seem like it.

But do we need any of it. This is what my husband meant. We don't need rituals to grow and change ourselves and made the world heaven on earth. We can manifest anything we want easy and effortlessly.

But... you knew there would be a but. But our ego doesn't believe us. It creates doubt. So we feel that by doing a ritual or a prayer we have the right formula to "do good". We feel safe with this ritual or method. We feel that in the act of doing, we make it happen. Everyone has their own methods that suit them. So please accept that people do things different. After all that's what makes this world very interesting.

In truth, the driving force of change and spiritual growth is belief. We can create anything if we believe. Rituals reinforce our beliefs and our dreams.
And consequently, if we don't believe that the psychic surgeon will heal us then she/he won't.

So yet again everything comes back to beliefs. But what is a "grown up" belief? Yep, full circle back to "growing up".

  • Are some beliefs more "grown up" than others.
  • Can beliefs be ranked according to maturity?
  • Are older beliefs better or more grown up e.g. say Shamanism over NLP.?

I think all belief and methods have their place to point like arrows to the next stage in growth. What I have not figured out is whether spiritual growing is like a circle or a mountain, maybe it is a spiral. Going around and around in circles getting closed and closer to the top. The ultimate in grown up beliefs?

Oh dear, now I have enter another dilemma what is at the top? What is our ultimate goal with all these beliefs? I think I will but that on hold for a another day.

Do children have a better grasp of grown up beliefs? Considering that children are better are knowing what their beliefs are and manifesting e.g. money from the tooth fairy. Are they more spiritually "grown up " than us.

What do you think?


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What's my efficient work plan?

When is your most efficient time of day? How do you management to get all the thing done that you should, have to and have got to get done. Add more people to you household (children and partners) or your life (friends clients and networking) and your jobs and to do lists just grows expediently.

So I have a long history of trying to figure out how to get the most out of my day and get the most done. I am constantly re-juggling the schedule. New activities always intervene - like sons drama classes or school holidays or relatives visiting.

I remember when I had a toddlers and a new baby (who feed every 2 - 3 hours), I felt that I had accomplished something for the day if my bed was made. And each week when that go to be a routine then I would add something else into the mix.

A couple of years again I felt that done the clothes washing when there were no dirty clothes, no clothes on the line and nothing wanting to be put away - that has not stopped by the way. My family wears too many clothes.

So how can I chuck, a very technical term, my day and get things done. I have tried different systems and read lots of books. But each stage of my life has brought different challenges and planning solutions.

So the current planning problem is when school goes back, how can I get my work done. There are activities I can do when the kids are around or they can help me with - Housework.

But starting my own home business between school hours of 9.15 to 2.40 (the hours I am actually home after dropping the kids at school) has been stumped. 5 hours for 5 days a week providing I don't do the housework or gardening or socialising or helping in the classroom. and get ALL the things done - emails, blogs, newsletters, accounts telephone calls etc.

I know I work best in the afternoon but smack bang in the middle of that, I have to pick up the kids from school. That that is a big way to upset the flow.

I have tried to schedule 1 hour of emails, 1 hour of writing, 1 hour of accounts but for me it doesn't work. When I have started something I want to finish it and I don't like flitting from one thing to the next. Basically I like project work. I like getting my teeth into something and feel as I have accomplished something, anything.

So I am Trying a new system of 2 hour blocks of work. I even have a timer to tell me when 2 hours are up and then I can have a drink and something to eat.

It's a good theory. At the moment in the middle of typing this - the timer has finished, my kids have returned and told me about their day and we should have afternoon tea, Oh I better do the washing up.

So tell me, what techniques do you use to get things done in your day?

Keeping smiling - I saw the sun today.


Monday, January 14, 2008

Resolve to Make 2008 Great with Christopher Howard

Guess what

Surveys show that 53% of people set themselves up to abandon their New Year Resolutions within weeks.

Perhaps the reason most people do not stick to New Year resolutions is they forget they are for life, not just for New Years Day or for a few weeks. Whether it’s losing weight or getting fit, making more money, changing careers or creating better relationships - the best intentions soon slip to the same old self defeating habits.

What’s the reason for this?

It’s because people really need to be making a "whole year" resolution. One of the main challenges is people suffer from limiting beliefs such as "It’s too hard" or "I have to struggle to make money" or "No matter what I do I can’t lose weight".

At the Breakthrough to Success seminar people often say they want to lose weight, then if you ask them what their priorities or values are in life, they will say "finances" or "career". If you want to lose weight then health needs to be your number 1 focus. If it’s a higher income you are seeking then career and finance needs to be your top priority.
Knowing what your goals are and the reasons why you want to succeed are the foundations for following through on your resolutions.
Resolution tips for you
  1. Set only one major goal or resolution. The chances of success are greater when you channel your energy and focus into one goal.
  2. Plan ahead. Take time to reflect upon what you will focus on first. Once you achieve that goal you can then set another goal.
  3. Choose new resolutions. If you set the same resolutions each year and nothing changes, perhaps change the resolution or goal so it is more achievable to inspire you to continue. You could set a different resolution that you are confident you can achieve – to build a track record of success.
  4. Be specific. Plan exactly what you are going to do and by when. Ensure your goals are clear, concise, using positive language and written in the present tense, e.g. "It is now (future date including year) and I have/I am (end step) …."
  5. Give yourself reasons why you can succeed. Ask yourself, "why do I want this goal" and "what will achieving that goal do for me or give me?"
  6. Ask for help. Enlist the support of a fitness coach, business coach or mentor - to first set your goals, then make changes to your thinking and habits to ensure you follow through.
  7. Take action. Break your goals down to small steps every day. Sometimes a goal can seem overwhelming, if you chunk it down into smaller steps it becomes even easier to achieve.
  8. Remember to celebrate your wins. Reward yourself at each milestone to reinforce your new, successful behaviours.

Attending Breakthrough to Success is also a great way to learn the skills for changing your behaviour at the subconscious level and to build momentum towards the achievement of your goals. If you haven’t set your goals for the year yet, then this event will walk you through the process from the very start.

Right now, as you read these words, do you know your ideal future is within your reach? That's right, your ideal future is just waiting for you to come and claim it. And, all you have to do is say "yes"!

Say "yes" and begin a journey that will unlock your inner wisdom and strength.

Say "yes" and join Chris Howard at a live Breakthrough to Success event soon, where he will share secrets of how you can align the enormous resources of your unconscious mind with your conscious desires, so that you will be able to actualise your full potential and create the life of your dreams.

The Christopher Howard Breakthrough to Success event will be jam packed with the latest results technologies to help you pinpoint areas of your life where you are not living up to your full potential. Using the latest accelerated human change technologies, the Christopher Howard Training Team will be your success coaches to guide you in mapping out a blueprint for success. Watch the sparks fly as you gain massive propulsion toward your highest goals and boldest dreams in just one weekend.

We invite you and a friend to join us COMPLIMENTARY. The ticket price is normally $895 to be part of this 3 day event, which is a small price to pay given the massive value people receive.

Click the link below for dates when Breakthrough to Success will be in your city and to reserve your seat at no charge: Take action, enrol now and make 2008 great!

If you are ready want to change go. I loved it.

Leona Seib

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Children and the money lesson

This morning I had a heart breaking conversation with my daughter about money and what we can afford and what we can't afford. The conversation was not so unusual, Parent have that conversation all the time.

But what was heart breaking was the lessons being taught by me - that my parents taught me. And the lessons being learned by my daughter.

Problem: My daughter loves dancing and she is good at it - she does win awards. But this year she wants to add tap to her repertoire of Classical ballet, contemporary, musical theatre and jazz. Finding that little extra (over $200) just stretches the budget too far. So what am I teaching my daughter:

  • You can't afford what you love to do;
  • You are not worthy for this extra money; or
  • You need to do without something to afford what you want;
  • You need to work hard and be poor for what you love.

I would love to teach her that she can have everything she wants. I would love to teach her that anything is possible. ... but. How come there is always a but in there somewhere.

I am reviewing and planning to rewrite the lessons my parents taught me. After all they do not suit me anymore.

The world is changing and I am changing so I would like some new rules for the new world. Want to join me?

So tonight or tomorrow I will have another conversation with my daughter and try to review the problem. Maybe even ask her for a solution. Ask her how we can manifest the extra money we need so she can continue her dream and hopefully we can rewire the learning from generations past so the generations of the future have a better time working at what they love.

Now that would be a better world to live in


Monday, January 07, 2008

Wecome to Crystal Growth

I had taken my own advice and taken a giant leap into the blogging world. I am pushing my boundaries and listening to my heart not my head or the voice of my partner. So I hope you enjoy this journey with me.

I believe that everyone's personal growth is of benefit to everyone else and the world in general. I don't follow any particular religion or doctrines and my views and reading are very eclectic and all over the place. I do not have all the answers and I am growing spiritual all the time.

So this show provide some interesting discussion points for everyone.

Aim for the stars
