Monday, January 14, 2008

Resolve to Make 2008 Great with Christopher Howard

Guess what

Surveys show that 53% of people set themselves up to abandon their New Year Resolutions within weeks.

Perhaps the reason most people do not stick to New Year resolutions is they forget they are for life, not just for New Years Day or for a few weeks. Whether it’s losing weight or getting fit, making more money, changing careers or creating better relationships - the best intentions soon slip to the same old self defeating habits.

What’s the reason for this?

It’s because people really need to be making a "whole year" resolution. One of the main challenges is people suffer from limiting beliefs such as "It’s too hard" or "I have to struggle to make money" or "No matter what I do I can’t lose weight".

At the Breakthrough to Success seminar people often say they want to lose weight, then if you ask them what their priorities or values are in life, they will say "finances" or "career". If you want to lose weight then health needs to be your number 1 focus. If it’s a higher income you are seeking then career and finance needs to be your top priority.
Knowing what your goals are and the reasons why you want to succeed are the foundations for following through on your resolutions.
Resolution tips for you
  1. Set only one major goal or resolution. The chances of success are greater when you channel your energy and focus into one goal.
  2. Plan ahead. Take time to reflect upon what you will focus on first. Once you achieve that goal you can then set another goal.
  3. Choose new resolutions. If you set the same resolutions each year and nothing changes, perhaps change the resolution or goal so it is more achievable to inspire you to continue. You could set a different resolution that you are confident you can achieve – to build a track record of success.
  4. Be specific. Plan exactly what you are going to do and by when. Ensure your goals are clear, concise, using positive language and written in the present tense, e.g. "It is now (future date including year) and I have/I am (end step) …."
  5. Give yourself reasons why you can succeed. Ask yourself, "why do I want this goal" and "what will achieving that goal do for me or give me?"
  6. Ask for help. Enlist the support of a fitness coach, business coach or mentor - to first set your goals, then make changes to your thinking and habits to ensure you follow through.
  7. Take action. Break your goals down to small steps every day. Sometimes a goal can seem overwhelming, if you chunk it down into smaller steps it becomes even easier to achieve.
  8. Remember to celebrate your wins. Reward yourself at each milestone to reinforce your new, successful behaviours.

Attending Breakthrough to Success is also a great way to learn the skills for changing your behaviour at the subconscious level and to build momentum towards the achievement of your goals. If you haven’t set your goals for the year yet, then this event will walk you through the process from the very start.

Right now, as you read these words, do you know your ideal future is within your reach? That's right, your ideal future is just waiting for you to come and claim it. And, all you have to do is say "yes"!

Say "yes" and begin a journey that will unlock your inner wisdom and strength.

Say "yes" and join Chris Howard at a live Breakthrough to Success event soon, where he will share secrets of how you can align the enormous resources of your unconscious mind with your conscious desires, so that you will be able to actualise your full potential and create the life of your dreams.

The Christopher Howard Breakthrough to Success event will be jam packed with the latest results technologies to help you pinpoint areas of your life where you are not living up to your full potential. Using the latest accelerated human change technologies, the Christopher Howard Training Team will be your success coaches to guide you in mapping out a blueprint for success. Watch the sparks fly as you gain massive propulsion toward your highest goals and boldest dreams in just one weekend.

We invite you and a friend to join us COMPLIMENTARY. The ticket price is normally $895 to be part of this 3 day event, which is a small price to pay given the massive value people receive.

Click the link below for dates when Breakthrough to Success will be in your city and to reserve your seat at no charge: Take action, enrol now and make 2008 great!

If you are ready want to change go. I loved it.

Leona Seib

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