Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter - Resurrection Day

Easter is here. I love easter.
  1. We get four day off.
  2. The kids get to rest for 4 days - no dance, no school - Term 1 is nearly over and the kids are tired.
  3. It reminds me of Easter 2007.

Easter last year I attended my first Christopher Howard seminar and I just zing every time I remember the energy generated over those 3 days. Last year it was held over Easter. Day 3 is usually called Transformation day but as it was Easter Sunday and we re-dubbed it Resurrection day. Because we had cried out our past, celebrated our achievements and celebrated who we are and set our goals for the new us. We were ready to face the world with our new thought patterns and new beliefs.

Even when I crewed in the September I still thought of it as Resurrection day. That's how embedded in my thought patterns it is. Just image what it did to thought patterns I wanted to change.

My kids love Easter because of the hot cross buns and easter eggs. I love Easter because it gives me a chance to assesses my beliefs and refocus and emerge as the person I want to be.

In a month I will be crewing again. Christopher Howard and all the crew will be back in Brisbane April 18 - 20.

I love helping people. I love seeing people breaking life long patterns and emerging happier. The energy created over the very full 3 days is astounding.

I have some free passes valued at $895.00. But Hurry. Next weekend he will be in

Enjoy the fun of Easter, play.


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