Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Women and business

I found this interesting article from Amanda Gome "Top 10 lessons of successful female entrepreneurs"

The article is focused on women entrepreneurs but the main points about women's relationship with money and work is the same whether you're in business or not.

"... the ambitious businesswoman who tells anyone that will listen that money does not matter, shuns any talk of profit and works long hours in low growth or no growth businesses.
Often they start their business because they see a niche and want flexibility and independence. They end up, if they are lucky, barely replacing their salary and wondering what the hell they have done; this was never the plan."

Amanda Gome offers 10 steps to success.
including: Money is good – talk about it, borrow it, control it, embrace it

I myself has had to learnt to talk about money, learn to focus on money as a thing that needs attention. I am still learning what money it and is not. I can balance checkbook and do bookkeeping but in my mind that is just numbers and I find numbers easy. But money is not numbers is has weight and expectations attached. Expectations from family and friends.

Some other points covered are technology, spouse, discrimination, children and guilt.

Enjoy this read and focus on one thing that you can change for a more productive change today.


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